Monday 8 August 2011


Look:This dog is a hardy dog and looks like a miniature foxhound. They have ether brown or hazel eyes. They have long droopy ears and a black nose. It is medium hair length. The beagle's coat is easy to care for because of how smooth it is. It can come in many colors such as
lemon, tri-color, black and tan, red and white, orange and white, or lemon and white, blue tick and red tick.

Temperament:These dogs are very gentle and sweet and especially very loving. these dogs are very social dogs. They are very good with children and other dogs but not any other animals because of there hunting instincts. They are also very determined and watchful animals so they need firm training. Like a basset hound beagles tend to follow there noses and if you try to call them back some times they wont hear you or wont listen so NEVER LET YOUR BEAGLE OFF LEASH IN A UNFENCED AREA.

Height\Weight: Height: Male:13-15inces Female:13inches and under Weight: Male:22-25pound Female:20-23pounds.

Health Problems:epilepsy, heart disease, eye and back problems and dwarfism.

Living Conditions:they will do okay in apartment but must have plenty of time outdoors. they can be active inside and should have a small yard at least.

Exercise: They need plenty of exercise. Also a a good long walk. AND ALWAYS USE A LEASH.

Life Expectancy:12-15 years

Litter Size:2-14 pups average 7

Grooming:there smooth coat is easy to look after. only bathe the beagle when it is needed. They shed quite a bit.


Some fun facts: When beagles hunt the have a very distinct howl.they dont have a normal sounding bark but a loud cry

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