Jessiegirls Which Pets Should You Get
i make this blog in hopes people will make a more informed decision on the animals they decide to take home
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Afghan Hound
Look: have a superbly long beautiful silky coat based on a athletic frame. They have a long nose and long dangling ears. Tall and slender dog with a very refined face. Extremely powerful jaws and almond shaped eyes. It has a very long but strong and thick neck.With strait long legs that are covered in fur all the way to their feet. They have a long tail with a curl at the tip and their coat is often a sandy color but can be other colors to.
Temperament: A very dignified and Courageous dog. Also loyal, sweet and affectionate and a lower level of dominance and can be somewhat distant if not handled and cared for at a young age. Need to be trained by someone who can be kind yet calm and firm with the animal. They do tend to be more suspicious of people they don't know and would be a great guard dog.
Male: 27-29 inches
Female: 25-27 inches
Male: 60 pounds
Female: 50 pounds
Exercise: Is an essential part of the daily routine. Recommended that they are taken for a walk twice a day.
Health Problems: Generally healthy
Living accommodation: Definitely not for apartment life. It is recommended they live on an acreage but will be fine with a large backyard providing it gets sufficient exercise.
Life Span: Around 14 years
Litter size: !-15 puppies. Average 8.
Grooming: Essential. Brushed daily and knots clipped out daily. Ask for someone to show you how this is done when you get your dog.
german shepherd
look: They are a very strong looking dog.They have dark eyes.They have muscular front legs.Like the wiener dog there are three types of German shepherd rough-coated,Long rough-coated and long-haired. Some of the color of the fur is black with tan.sable,pure black,blue,liver and white.
temperament:These dogs are courageous ,keen,alert.fearless,cheerful,obedient,eager to learn,confident,serious,clever,extremely,extremely faithful and brave. They would be more then willing to give there lives for there masters
Male: 24-26 inches
Females: 22-24 inches
Male: 80.5 pounds
Females: 65 pounds
Health Problems: Hip Dysplasia, Elbow Dysplsia, Bloat and Gastric Disorders,Heart Issues
Living Conditions: Do ok in a apartment as long as they get lots of exercise. Are not very active inside. Recommended you have a large yard for him/her to run in.
Exercise: They love walks and need at least 2 walks a day great dog for hiking and great for doing agility.
Life Expectancy: Around 13 years
Litter Size: 5-10
Grooming: Needs a brush every week or so to make sure its coat is free of dibre otherwise not very much
some fun facts:White is not a usual colour for a German shepherd instead they call them a American white shepherd.
Monday, 25 March 2013
a sweet artical
My new dog Samsung and his new friend.
On Friday, I went to Jill Zarin's birthday party with my friend Sam Lansky, who had an in-depth conversation with me about what kind of animal I would get for my new apartment.
"I want a dog," I said, "but I'm not sure I can afford one. So I'm thinking I'll get a cat."
"Just be careful," he said. "Sometimes if you get a cat, you end up living alone forever."
"Jesus," I said, laughing. "That's so not true."
"Really?" he said. "Name one woman or gay who adopted a cat, and then ended up meeting a man after."
"Huh. I can't," I said.
"Exactly," he said. "If you get a cat, something happens where it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. That's just science."
"But -- what if I named the cat, 'Marry Me'?" I said.
"Well, that could work," he said.
I went home that night, and I thought of a friend who did in fact meet a great guy who has a cat, texted Sam to nah-nah-nah his "science" theory and then opened up my monthly budget. I've been saying I wanted a dog forever. When I was a kid, around 8, I actually had a scheme where I was going to dig up the carpet in my room, replace it with dirt and then surreptitiously adopt a dog without telling my parents. I never had the courage to do this, although I did have a habit of using my paper-route money to continually purchase cats and bring them home through my bedroom window. My parents let me keep them, until it reached the point of ridiculousness after Cat No. 4.
Bundled-up Samsung with his Christmas bone.
Now that I'm an adult, I realized that I could make my 8-year-old dreams come true. All I said when I was living in San Diego was how I couldn't wait to get a dog, as I slept with my father's guide dog almost every night. So I went through my monthly take-home-pay and figured out the cost of doggie day care, food, vet expenses and more, and while I can't exactly be a clotheshorse or be springing for $100-meals out as a dog owner, I realized that it was absolutely feasible. I was going to do it.
I posted on my Twitter and Facebook at 11 p.m., "I've come to an important decision. I'm going to adopt a dog. Now to figure out which kind." The suggestions came flooding in, but then my friend Dennis Burger added to the thread: "Mandy, if this is a move you're making soon -- like, now -- please consider this guy. He's going to be destroyed tomorrow if no one adopts him."
When he first came to the shelter. See how scared he is?
I'm a big believer in fate, synchronicity and no coincidences. I clicked on the dog's profile, which had been shared more than a thousand times from a Web site called Urgent Pets on Death Row, Inc., and indeed, the 18-month-old pit mix was going to be euthanized if no one adopted him. In the past this has happened as early as the morning at Animal Care & Control, and so with no time to lose, I put down the deposit to adopt him the next day, a few minutes before midnight.
When I headed out to the Brooklyn location the next morning on Saturday, the waiting room was overflowing with cats removed from homes who had elderly owners or from Hurricane Sandy, and I went to the front to make sure Samsung was indeed safe, and there hadn't been any kind of awful error where he was put to sleep regardless of my adoption hold. They assured me he was safe, but it was going to be a few hours.
I sat and waited and tried not to let my heart break from all of the sweet cats who so desperately wanted owners around me. (The dogs are kept in the back, away from the waiting room.) Please, if you are considering adopting an animal, go to a shelter. Save a life. These animals are so precious and loving. They deserve a life, and you can give it to them.
"We were all hoping you would come!" one volunteer said, pulling up Samsung's ID number and chart, and I filled out the adoption papers which asked me things like if the dog grew or got sick would I abandon him. No, no, no.
Samsung says goodbye to his angel volunteer Elisa.
When Samsung was brought out by volunteer Elisa Lafont, she was beaming.
"This is a very special dog," she said. "I'm so glad you came."
Elisa comes out from Long Island to volunteer at the shelter and give the pets the attention and love they need, and she also helps to spread word of animals that are placed on "Death Row." The reason that Samsung was listed there was because, as often happens when dogs remain in a shelter, he contracted kennel cough, and because Animal Care & Control is limited in space, and accepts all animals, they cannot be a no-kill shelter. Samsung getting sick meant he was now on the "euth list," as much as everyone hated to put him there. Other than his cough, which can be cured with a course of antibiotics, he is a very healthy, happy, loving dog.
Elisa later told me, "Weird thing is I almost didn't go in Saturday. Because I was in a mood and wasn't sure. But then I saw Sam was on the list and knew I had to go in, in case I wouldn't ever see him again. So when I saw he was reserved when I woke up, I was relieved. I told him when I had him in our cuddle spot that 'I was doing my best to make sure he would make it out, that I was praying hard. To please hold on a little longer.'"
I could see just how special he was when Elisa brought him out.
"This is your new mommy," she said. "She saved your life, Samsung." Elisa gave him a special Snoopy collar to wear for the cab ride home.
He knows how to do "Paw," "Sit" and "Stay" and he licks you with appreciation. When the car service came to take us back to Manhattan, he curled up below the seat and patiently looked up at me. It was my very first night in my new studio, and my new dog would be spending it with me.
Samsung and me in Madison Square Park.
I lay out the food and water in some makeshift Tupperware, and then showed him that he was allowed to jump on the bed with me. I didn't intend to fall asleep at 8:30 p.m., but as he curled up next to me and put his paw on my hand, that's exactly what I did. My boots and jacket were still on, and the next morning we woke up at 6 a.m. Samsung nuzzled and licked me and stared up at me with his sweet soulful eyes.
"You're still a little sick, Samsung," I told him. "But you're going to get better. I'm not giving up on you."
He rested his head on my chest, and his heart beat next to mine.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
Norwegian Lundehund

The Lundehund has six toes and there feet turn slightly outwards so it could climb mountains. They also have a very gentle expression and adorable face. These dogs are like Spitz dogs but with more of a rectangular shape to them they are also small. They have medium sized ears that stick up. There head is a small wedge shape. Norwegian Lundehund have deep brown eyes. They have very strong legs good for agility. There known to have a pig like tail,a tail the curls over the top(as shown in picture) or a tail that hangs down. Norwegian Lundehund have short and rough coats and and a shiny top coat. they can be coloured the following reddish-brown with black/white tipped hairs, black or grey all with white marking they can also be white with dark markings.
These dogs are very friendly and love people. they have no regression and love the invitation to snuggle on your lap. These dog love to play and will keep going for hours but they are very curious and love to explore given the chance. This dog would be great for agility it would also be an exceptional hunter. It also has a very interesting trait it has 2 joints in its nape allowing it to turn it head at a 180 degree angle. But consistent crate training is strongly advised. Also a doggy door should be use since they are hard to house break but it is worth its flaws to have such a sweet and caring dog.and not to mention loyal.
38cm or 15in
20-30 pounds or 6-9kg
Health Problems:
Prone to a bunch of digestive problems due to not being able to digest grains. Fed with a diet of NO grains will not make the dog sick.
Living accommodation:
A Norwegian Lundehund would do best in a house with a small yard at the least.
Life Span:
Around twelve years
Litter size:
2-3 pups
Easy to groom. brush and comb with a firm bristle brush. bath only when needed. this dog is a heavy shedder.
Monday, 6 August 2012
Ideal owners:
This cat loves family's so is good with kids. Will tolerate other animals also loves sitting on laps this cat would be good for first time cat owners.
This breed is named for its white paws. Two patterns of this cat exist these are the mitted who usual have mitten paws and limited white and the bi-colour with more white on face and body instead of only paws. The v shape on the head indicates its a bi-colour anything other means its a mitted. The white paws are believed to be inherited by the American short hair or the Siamese. This breed has a combination of pointing(colour restricted to the head,limb and tail leaving the rest a pale Colo) like a Siamese and white spotting giving them the white crisp paws. There paws are medium sized they have medium thick tails with tapering(growing smaller to the end). These cat normally have blue oval sized eyes.
The snowshoe is very fond of company in other words very sociable. They are also known for talking non-stop but don't worry they have soft pleasing voices. Snowshoes also enjoy playing. But this cat likes to be the only cat and dose not care for other cat companions
Health problems:
They sometimes may have a kink in their tail or could be cross eyed.
10 years plus
Needs little to no grooming but loves the attention.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
look:This breed is tall a slim and looks like a shaggy coated greyhound. The nose is black and sometimes blue(a greyish color). Brown or hazel eyes. It can be colors such as blue gray, brindle and black, yellow and sandy red or red fawn, sometimes with black ears and muzzle and sometimes a little white on the chest,feet and tail.
They are gentle and well-mannered. As well as polite,affectionate,loving,friendly,excellent with kids,coverages,dignified,devoted and loyal. Despite there large size they aren't watch or guard dogs due to them loving everyone they meet.But they also need a firm and confident master. But should not be around any other animals. these dogs barley ever bark.
Height\Weight: Height:28-32inches Weight:75-110pounds
Health Problems: These dog are at risk of bloating so only feed them 2-3 small meals a day.But don't exercise after a meal.
Living Conditions:They will do okay in an apartment with a lot of exercise. They are not at all active indoors. They will do best in a large fenced yard though.
Exercise:They need to be taken for a long daily walk. They are great jogging companions. Don't let them off there leash in an unfenced area.
Life Expectancy:10 years is average.
Litter Size:8-9 pups
Grooming:Needs quite a bit of grooming they need trimming. They are a normal shredders.
some fun facts:
Monday, 8 August 2011
Dachshund (weiner dog)
look: There are 3 types of this breed Short-haired,wired-haired and long-haired. There eyes are ether a dark red or black-brown. It colors are black, red (from strawberry blond to deep auburn), chocolate , tan or fawn, creme and gray. In the wire-haired variety, creme
temperament: They are curious,clever,lively,affectionate,proud,brave and amusing. They are devoted to there master/masters. Also they can be difficult to train and house break. You MUST be the pack leaded or this dog will start to take over and if let it will develop behavior problems such as guarding furniture, separation anxiety, food, toys or other objects, snapping, biting, and obsessive barking. They will become unpredictable with children and adults they do not know. If it gets really bad, they may become unpredictable with their owners. They are recommended with older children who can display good leader ship.
Height\Weight: Height: 8-11 inches Weight: over 11 pound at the age of 12
Miniature: Height:5-7 inches Weight: 11 pounds or less.
Toy: Height: Up to 12 inches Weight: 8 pounds
Health Problems:spinal problems,Heart disease and diabetes. Another problem is they can become over weight and lazy which would put much strain on the dogs back.
Living Conditions: Good in an apartment. Also active indoors and will do okay with no yard.
Exercise:Need to be walked daily. They love to be played with as well. This breed MUST be taught not to jump because it can hurt there back.
Life Expectancy:12-15years
Litter Size: 2-7 pups
Grooming:daily combing and brushing. Professional trim 2 a year. Regular rubdown with a damp cloth.
some fun facts:
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